Grovyle would only be able to link two Special Moves together in a single combo. With his ability to manipulate time, Grovyle would be able to link his Special Moves together to allow for powerful combinations He would be able to link two of his special moves with the hold of the button during any special attack leading to easy combos. His gimmick would be a mechanic seen in the first two Mystery Dungeon games: Move Linking. Are they mirrored when they face left: No Are there any exclusive abilities they have*: No
A skin that’s a gray recolor to represent the Planet’s Paralysis (dead leaf costume).A skin based on Prinplup (Starter option).A skin based on Monferno (Starter option).A skin based on Grotle (Starter option in PMD).A skin based on his partner, the Shiny Celebi from the future arc.Grovyle should have the normal 8 palette swaps like most fighters, This is because, in the world of Mystery Dungeon, the world is inhabited solely by Pokemon who’ve taken on practices of humans in their societies. In the game, Grovyle’s movements and animation would resemble a human more than it resembles a Pokemon. These supplies would appear in his move set. In the PMD anime special, the only appearance of Grovyle not in sprite form, Grovyle wears a bag that he keeps his supplies in. Grovyle in this game would resemble other members of his species, with the exception of his bag and how he moves.
Grovyle would be a unique addition to the roster due to him both representing an iconic side game, and a certain part of the main series that has yet to see much representation. While Grovyle would represent Pokémon’s side games, he would also be a representation for Pokémon’s third generation as a whole, which is the only early Pokémon generation to not receive a fighter. Even though Grovyle is not relevant at the moment, him being a starter in the relatively recent Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire has kept this character’s species fresh in people’s minds. His inclusion would finally allow the music and stages of Pokemon’s largest side series to appear in Smash as well. This trend should be removed with the addition of a Pokemon character who would be more than just a plain Grovyle.
The roster is full of characters who are only important to a series’s main games. has a distinct lack of side game representation in its roster. While Grovyle isn’t that important to Nintendo as a whole, Smash Bros.
While every Pokemon in the current Smash roster is a generic member of their species, Grovyle would be the odd one out due to him being an established character (except arguably Mewtwo who may be based on the one from the movie due to him speaking in Melee). While a lot of his attacks can be used by any Grovyle, it’s this one’s clear personality and special abilities that put him above other members of his species. Grovyle is important to the Pokemon franchise due to him representing the deep stories and unique mechanics of the Mystery Dungeon series. However, as the story continues, the characters are made aware that Grovyle came from the future, with the mission of stopping the world from being completely frozen in time. These are ancient artifacts that keep time flowing properly in the area that they govern. When introduced early on in the story, the characters are led to believe he is a thief that is trying to bring about the end of the world through his stealing of the Time Gears. He’s the most prominent character in it, besides the silent protagonist and their partner. Grovyle is a major character in the story of Explorers. As a time traveller, he would also have unique attacks involving the manipulation of time. Being a major character in his home game, Grovyle’s moveset would revolve around attacks and mechanics exclusive to the Mystery Dungeon series. Grovyle, along with his partner Celebi, are time travellers who escaped to the past to stop their post-apocalyptic future from becoming a reality.